With professionally experienced and UEFA qualified coaches HPM not only want to create great footballers, but also help to educate the players in how to become mentally strong and well educated in the mindset side of the game and how to deal with challenging situations, on and off the pitch.
Every player will enjoy their own unique experience and journey through football. And HPM are here to taylor that journey to best maximise and guide the players working on both strengths and weaknesses with bespoke football learning plans.
• HPM development plans
• One To One reviews & feedback
• Pro level coaching
• A football & mindset Education
& full learning programme
• A dedicated Mobile App
• Football camps & Tournaments
• Access and introductions to senior level and pro level Football Clubs
Kev is a UEFA-licensed and vastly experienced football coach spanning several countries and pro clubs over the course of a 20-year career.
Kev's passions lie in playing an attractive brand of passing football, largely adopted and adapted from his time coaching professionally in Spain, with a focus on quick thinking and a strong mental attitude.
High performance is achieving exceptional levels of productivity, effectiveness, and success while maintaining overall well-being and positive relationships. It involves consistently performing at a level that exceeds the average or expected performance standards.
A mindset is an established set of attitudes of a person or group concerning culture, values, philosophy, frame of mind, outlook, and disposition.
Teaching young players how to communicate effectively, support and encourage their teammates, and work together to achieve a common goal in a fun and modern environment. Improving fitness and overall health while honing life skills and disciplines.
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